bookmark_borderPlea for a New Nokia (April 2nd, 2010)

(This was an article I wrote in April 2nd, 2010 and sent to the Nokia Executive Board – Times have changed and, as the saying goes, “The Rest is History”)

Today, we face what might be seen one day as the biggest and sharpest crisis in Nokia’s history: we’re being attacked on all fronts – being a big market leader, as a friend put it, sucks: you are usually attacked at high-end, middle-range and low-end at the same time – you have to fight battles on many fronts and nobody in human history ever won many battles at the same time. If Nokia cannot find a niche, however big it might be, it is condemned to either shrink significantly, become a supplier for other mobile phone companies or … something even worse.

But how could this have happened? What are the reasons and what might be the remedy?

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